The Bali Swing

The Bali Swing: a playground for adults in Bali

Before I jumped on a plane to Bali I’d already seen pictures of the Bali Swing on Instagram. However when I asked about it while in Ubud, it turned out that The Bali Swing was not known by everyone. You can use a swing in Bali on various spots, yet my aim was to swing above the gorge as seen on pictures, not just somewhere in the middle of the rice fields. And so I jumped into a taxi that took me to The Bali Swing, located just about a 30 minute drive from Ubud. Upon arrival I found out that it had only been opened a few months earlier, so it wasn’t a coincidence that not everyone yet knew about it.

Swinging in Bali at the Bali Swing

My travel companion and I receive a warm welcome upon arrival at The Bali Swing. We are asked to sign a waiver and are then introduced to the concept. After paying a 35 US Dollar entrance fee, you get to stay as long as you want. You can use all four swings as many times as you like, eat your heart out at the Balinese buffet and grab non-alchoholic drinks from the fridge.
At first glance, The Bali Swing looks like a playground for adults. As it’s already half way during the afternoon, I first decide to have some lunch and mentally prepare myself for swinging above a deep gorge. I’ve actually heard people scream before because you will really be right above the gorge and it’s not just your average playground swing. The first swing is for warming up, you will face towards the restaurant so you will get used to the feeling of being on a huge swing and do not immediately look into the gorge. You still will be secured though and an employee of The Bali Swing will push you. Anyone accompanying you will be able to take as many pictures as they want, from the positions they want. Which is awesome since there are no hidden costs in buying pictures or videos afterwards…
schommelen op bali bij the bali swing

schommelen op bali bij the bali swing

schommelen op bali bij the bali swing

schommelen op bali bij the bali swing

Ready for the big swing

After this small swing there is a larger swing. This time I put my face towards the gorge and the first time I’m being let go from the stool, the butterflies are going right through my stomach. I feel like a little kid again: careless and free. After spending a few minutes on this swing, it’s time to head to the serious business: the big swing! Here you will be secured in a full-on harness so it’s not one to make pretty pictures. This one is purely made for adrenaline and the moment I was released, a giant scream escaped from my mouth. I just loved it!
After this we want to try standing on one of the swings, which actually requires quite a lot of balancing. After the employees of The Bali Swing found out were were bloggers, we got the royal treatment, and so we had to take many poses and our drinks were being handed over to us. We took place in the several bird nests on the premises for more pictures and even though they are nice when traveling with your boyfriend (which I was not as a single lady) I did not really feel the need to do this … however I still decided to pose while the sweat was dripping off my face because trust me, the swining still requires a bit of energy, especially when you want to stand or do a pose.

Other swings near Ubud

Also want to swing in Bali? The Bali Swing is by far the coolest on the island. On many locations you will find free swings, none of them as awesome as this one.


Where to stay in Ubud

After a few hours at The Bali Swing all the energy was gone. As I said, it takes quite a bit of power in your body to strike a nice pose and it’s Bali after all, where it’s always hot and humid. And so we left The Bali Swing after a couple of hours and headed back to Ubud, a fun experience behind us.
Looking for some great and not too expensive hotels in Ubud, even with an infinity pool? Check my post about the best hotels in Ubud!
schommelen op bali bij the bali swing

schommelen op bali bij the bali swing

schommelen op bali bij the bali swing

schommelen op bali bij the bali swing

Planning your Bali trip:

– Find the best Ubud hotel deals here.
– Order your copy of Lonely Planet Bali & Lombok or Lonely Planet Indonesia to start planning your next adventure straight away.
– You can book a complete private tour to The Bali Swing here which includes a few waterfalls and rice fields as well.


Conclusion and disclaimer

I hope you found this guide to the Bali Swing useful. This article contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase and/or a reservation through any of these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra fee to you. I was given free admittance to The Bali Swing in return for an honest review. All opinions are, as always, entirely my own.


  • Kavita Favelle

    I’m scared of heights but I think I’d try and do the Bali swing anyway, as it looks so much fun! The views over the gorge are crazy amazing but also terrifying! I’m extremely happy to know one is secured by harness, I hadn’t realised that from photos I’d seen before, that’s good to know! Very reassuring! The birds nest photos are also cool, btw!

  • Amelie Gagne

    AHHHH, fun and petrifying, haha! Such a funny concept, I have seen the photos and never thought it was organized in that way, but it makes sense and it seems you do get some value for your money. I just don’t know if I could bring myself to swing over the gorge!

  • Leah

    I’d totally do this Bali swing! I’m a little surprised by the $35 price tag, but if you get to stay as long as you like then you could make a day of it. Beautiful views, indeed!

    • anto

      Yeah I was as well but indeed, you can make a full day out of it, a day at a Beach Club including food and drinks sometimes averages the same. But as you say, really …

  • Anu

    We have swings in India as well. The similar swing like the one you are standing on. We usually tie these swings to large trees and swing. You can swing solo or with a partner. The one in which you are on harness looks like needs some courage but I am sure the harness would give you the confidence. I was not aware of this Bali attraction – thanks for writing about it.

  • Sam

    The only problem is that i would have to be removed forcibly at the end of the day! I LOVE SWINGS, this looks like the best day ever for me! haha

  • Christina

    What an amazing experience you’ve had. Those photos of you swinging high above the canopy are really eye-catching. The forest below looks so lush and inviting. I’m not worried about heights and I would definitely give it a go.

  • Megan Jerrard

    This is so cool, and looks like so much fun! It’s amazing that you’re actually properly harnessed in, because you really can’t tell from the photos! They’ve done a great job at setting up the swings to gradually allow you to work up to the craziest one. Definitely looks like it would be a heart stopping moment, looking straight down into the gorge as you swing over the edge!

  • Lydia Smith

    Bali Swing is really an adult playground. This is bringing the child in me but in a more bizarre way. Up in the sky, I swing and swing till I’m tired. Thats the poem I’ll sing for myself if I ever try the Bali Swing experience. Lol. But I might have cold feet when I get that since you said it’s that high but I want to try it, nevertheless. Only in Bali, you’ll see things like this.

  • Jitaditya

    Touristy places keep coming up with newer things to attract people… This seems to be a whole new level!

    I am not sure if I can do it… my specs will fly away as I swing up. But I think I can suggest it to some othe rpeople I know.

  • Indrani

    Who knew swings could be this big and scary! The view of the gorge while going up and then down backwards would scare me. I can already feel the flutter in stomach.


    Your post took me down the memory lane to July 2017 when I sat on this enormous swing! And oh boy what a thrilling experience it was! Though I am surprised to hear about the lunch and fee part. I remember when we visited, we paid USD 20 for unlimited time on the swings but no food was involved. I believe they’ve added those after their great success =)

  • Samantha Sparrow

    I have seen so any pictures of this and it seems like such a wonderful experience and memory to treasure – although I’d be a bit scared to look down! I sort of didn’t realise you had to pay for it, but the cost doesn’t seem that prohibitive!

  • Louis

    The Bali swing of Ubud is epic, I had such a great day and must of been here for at least 5 hours. The food was great aswell πŸ™‚

  • Siddhary

    Agreed it is great fun…..however a word of warning. You could end up with a lot of muscular/spinal discomfort as we unfortunately experienced with my daughter. After the swing adventure she had to endure a lot of shoulder, neck and back discomfort which progressed to severe pain and is curre5ntky receiving treatment by Chiro and Physio and lots of pain tablets. There is very little safety features on these swings..not even a helmet to wear…and the manual, vigorous pushing of the swing by the staff assistants creat a jolt and jerking action that has effects later….just a kind feedback to take note of and without any intend to discredit the adventure that is on offer.

    • anto

      I’m truly sorry to hear that you experienced it this way. It’s not my experience to feel unsafe or end up being in pain, although indeed you will need to hold on tight which may cause pains depending on the situation. I don’t think helmets would provide much help in case of an accident, just my two cents though. I hope your daughter will experience a soon recovery and can look back to the Bali Swing as a fun experience in the end. All the best to you and your family!

  • Antarik Anwesan

    This looks incredible. I can imagine the adrenaline rush that such a huge swing over a gorge can bring about. Must include this in my Bali to-do list whenevr I visit. I would love to hold my camera to capture my reaction on video while I go up. Haha. Not sure how that will work out though with both hands holding the ropes for dear life πŸ˜€

  • Shaista Sulaimani

    Hey.. Looks interesting, I would be visiting soon to bali.
    Can you tell me where exactly is this place so I can also experience.

  • Isabel

    These swings are actually ruining other business in the area with their loud club music. The ridge used to be peace and quiet till these swings came along very recently (only a few weeks ago) with their “Kuta-esque” standards. It has been a huge problem – I urge you not to support the swings.

    • anto

      I’m sorry to hear this but you probably have another swing in mind. These ones have been around for more than a year so you are probably referring to another one.

  • Tenisha

    Hi! Thanks for the information. I am planning a trip with my daughter for her 16th birthday and wanted to know where we could find this swing? Is it called the Bali Swing?

    Thank you in advance!


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