• Seebach Alpe Adria Trail

    Hiking Alpe Adria Trail section 7: Mallnitz – Obervellach

    Hiking the Alpe Adria Trail section 7: from Mallnitz to Obervellach Summer is coming, so it’s time to tell you more about my adventure on the Alpe Adria Trail. In the past year I hiked several stages in various places and I was impressed by the diversity of this long-distance walk in Europe. I did not walk the whole trail, but I enjoyed some of the highlights in Carinthia (summer) and Slovenia (autumn). The first stage I hiked was that from beautiful Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-Höhe to Heiligenblut and the second one the the section from Mallnitz to Obervellach. You’ll find my story below:   Arrival in Mallnitz and overnight Since you are…

  • a trip to slovenia in the fall

    5 Reasons why a trip to Slovenia in the fall is a great idea

    5 Reasons why a trip to Slovenia in the fall is a great idea Since two years, Tina from Mijn Slovenië and I are trying to set a date for arranging a trip to Slovenia for me. For some reason it never really worked out and my agenda was always full way ahead. When I received an email from her at the beginning of 2018, I realized it was about time to block some space in my agenda right away for a trip to Slovenia. After scheduling some calls and Skype meetings, we agreed that October would be a great time for me to travel to Slovenia. By then I…

  • hiking the alpe adria trail

    Hiking the Alpe Adria trail – from Kaiser-Franz-Josefs Höhe to Heiligenblut

    Hiking the Alpe Adria Trail – section 1 A few weeks ago was in Austria, the country that I’ve always had a soft spot for. After spending a few days in the Wilder Kaiser region to experience the Bergsportwoche, I moved on to Carinthia, or Kärnten as the Austrians call it. Carinthia is on the sunny side of Austria, on the southern side of the mountains. I had been there once before with my parents as a kid and indeed recall that it was incredibly hot compared to where we came from. Somehow, I expected Carinthia to be a little dull, compared to the mountains I had been to before.…