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Hiking blogs

Alles over Zweden

Alles over Nieuw-Zeeland

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Over We12Travel

Hi! Welkom op We12travel (we want to travel)! Mijn naam is Antonette. Ik ben reiziger, schrijver een enorme liefhebber van het buitenleven.

Na diverse wereldreizen gemaakt te hebben, kocht ik in de zomer van 2023 een huis in Zweeds-Lapland. Wanneer ik niet op reis ben, breng ik hier het meeste van mijn tijd door.

Op We12travel vind je alles wat te maken heeft met outdoor reizen, natuur en hiking. Van de beste outdoor kleding tot de mooiste meerdaagse trektochten ter wereld en alles daar tussenin. Ik schrijf op We12travel al sinds 2011 persoonlijke, eerlijke en inspirerende verhalen over alles wat met reizen en buiten zijn te maken heeft.

Ik help je bij je zoektocht naar mooie wandelbestemmingen, het voorbereiden op je trektocht en het plannen van je reis in de natuur. Meer weten over mij? Luister dan ook naar de Podcast voor Avontuurlijke Vrouwen waar ik de host van ben en laat je inspireren om vaker naar buiten te gaan en een avontuurlijker leven te leiden.

Mooiste trektochten ter wereld

De afgelopen jaren liep ik meer dan 50 trektochten verdeeld over vijf verschillende continenten. Ik heb mijn favoriete trektochten voor je verzameld in deze blog: van de Dutch Mountain Trail tot de Everest Base Camp trek en alles daar tussenin.

Reishandboek Nieuw-Zeeland

In het najaar van 2022 verscheen bij Uitgeverij Elmar mijn Reishandboek Nieuw-Zeeland, dat ik schreef naar aanleiding van mijn vier uitgebreide rondreizen die ik maakte door dit fascinerende land.

In dit boek heb ik niet alleen alle praktische en toeristische informatie gebundeld, maar ook veel aandacht besteed aan persoonlijke ervaringen en leuke wandelroutes.

Alleen wandelen als vrouw

De meeste hikes die ik maak, doe ik solo. Spannend? Zeker! Uitdagend? Dat ook! Ik wandel nagenoeg altijd alleen, zowel in Nederland, Zweden als in Nieuw-Zeeland. In de loop der jaren heb ik behoorlijk wat tips verzameld om veilig solo te wandelen als vrouw.

Regel je accommodatie!

Met een gerust gevoel op vakantie gaan? Alles van tevoren regelen geeft ontzettend veel rust en zekerheid dat er ook daadwerkelijk plek voor je is. Ik werk daarom graag met


Reishandboek Zweden

In mei 2023 verscheen bij Uitgeverij Elmar mijn Reishandboek Zweden, een praktische en culturele reisgids met alle bezienswaardigheden.

Deze reisgids werd met veel plezier geschreven aan de hand van meer dan 15 reizen naar Zweden die ik de afgelopen 10 jaar maakte. Het is een complete gids met veel achtergrondinformatie, kaarten en plattegronden in kleur.

Boek je huurauto

Veilig en zonder risico je huurauto boeken, bijvoorbeeld in Amerika, Scandinavië of in Nieuw-Zeeland? Ik werk al jaren tot volle tevredenheid samen met Sunny Cars. Omdat zij het eigen risico al bij boeking voor je afkopen, hoef je je ter plekke geen zorgen te maken over schades en extra verzekeringen. Wel zo handig!

Wildkamperen in Zweden

Elke zomer breng ik kamperend met mijn tent en Volvo door in het noorden van Zweden. In dit uitgebreide artikel vertel ik je alles over veilig wildkamperen in Zweden en geef ik je mijn tips over hoe je het beste op zoek kunt gaan naar een toffe wildkampeerplek.

  • January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
  • 6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
  • Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
  • Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜
#aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 
1. On the women only x-country skiing week
2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle
3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall
4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 
5. Vakantiebeurs 2025
6. View from our apartment in Nerja 
7. A cat in Ardales posing for us
8. Leaving Malaga in the rain
9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa
11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥
12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik
13. In Spain with him ❤️
January photo dump with pictures you haven’t seen before … but how to choose just a few pictures if you have been on four different trips and home just for five days in the whole month? Here we go! 1. On the women only x-country skiing week 2. Winter walk above the Arctic Circle 3. The best aurora ever in Jockfall 4. Catching up with my friend (and now business buddy) Janet @thuisinteksten 5. Vakantiebeurs 2025 6. View from our apartment in Nerja 7. A cat in Ardales posing for us 8. Leaving Malaga in the rain 9 + 10 Cross country skiing in Harsa 11. Gave my first ever “how to make fire in the snow” workshop 🔥 12. Admired the northern lights with the women at Undersvik 13. In Spain with him ❤️
1 week ago
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6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures!
1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas
2. Mirador de Guadalhorce
3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro
4 + 5. El Torcal
6. El Chorro
7. Canillas del Aceitunas
8. Caminito del Rey
9. Nerja sunset walk
10. All of them with him ❤️
#spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
6 Days in Andalucia, 7 different hikes, my 10 favorite pictures! 1. Sendero El Saltillo, Canillas del Aceitunas 2. Mirador de Guadalhorce 3. Arabian Stairs, El Chorro 4 + 5. El Torcal 6. El Chorro 7. Canillas del Aceitunas 8. Caminito del Rey 9. Nerja sunset walk 10. All of them with him ❤️ #spain #hiking #costadelsol #womenwhohike #neverstopexploring #nevernothiking #andalucia
3 weken ago
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Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 
Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. 
#spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
Caminto del Rey 👑 Once the most dangerous hike in Spain, now a super nice gorge walk with helmets and wooden boards. Touristic but well worth it, especially the amazing griffon vultures made it extra special. #spain #hiking #andalucia #travel #caminitodelrey
4 weken ago
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Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜
#aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜
#aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜
#aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜
#aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜
#aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜
#aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜
#aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜
#aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
Just when you think you’ve had the best it only gets better. The aurora on New Years Day. Lost for words, just enjoy! 💚💜 #aurora #auroraborealis #sweden #norrland #noorderlicht #nature
1 maand ago
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