The best cities in Sweden to visit
Although I am more of a nature person myself, I usually enjoy visiting a city in Sweden during my travels as well. I visited Stockholm no less than four times for a city trip (what a lovely place) and I also went to Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden for a city trip. In the summer of 2023 I moved to the north of Sweden from The Netherlands and during the last couple of years, I’ve basically visited all the major cities in the country. Personally, I always enjoy exploring northern cities. The atmosphere is generally relaxed, I love the fine shops and the special architecture that are so characteristic…
Kungsleden hike: from Kvikkjokk to Saltoluokta
A few summers back I hiked several sections of the Kungsleden hike in Sweden: from Ammarnäs to Hemavan and from Kvikkjokk to Saltoluokta. The latter is one of the least walked sections, but certainly one of the most beautiful. Because of the various lakes that you cross by boat, this particular section is a bit more complicated in organizing than the other sections. That’s why I’ll tell you all about it in this article so that you are well prepared for your journey. Enjoy reading! This article was first published in 2020 and updated in 2024. I’ve moved to the north of Sweden in the summer of 2023 and now…
Wild camping in Sweden: these are the rules of the Allemansrätten
One of the things I really love about Sweden is that you can go wild camping. The Everyman’s Right (Right of Public Access) in Sweden, or the Allemansrätten, means that you roam freely everywhere. This therefore not only applies to camping, but also to hiking, horse riding and canoeing, for example. During my various road trips in Scandinavia in recent years I have made the best use of the possibility of wild camping in Sweden. Since there are a number of rules regarding the freedom camping in Sweden, I have written this useful article for you so that you can prepare for your Sweden trip the best way possible. Enjoy…
Fulufjället National Park in Sweden: all you need to know
Fulufjället National Park in Sweden is a bit touristic if you compare it to many other national parks in Sweden, but that is with good reason. In Fulufjället you will find not only the highest waterfall in Sweden, but also an endless supply of hiking trails, mountain bike tours and … the oldest tree in the world! For me, this was reason enough to pay a visit to Fulufjällets Nasjonalpark. In this article you will find all my tips for this special place. Enjoy reading! Note this post was first published in 2020 and updated after my most recent visit in 2023 when I moved to the north of Sweden.…