• Wandelen op Långfjället
    Sweden,  We12hike

    Hiking in Långfjället nature reserve- top 5 routes and hiking tips

    Långfjället is a nature reserve in the far northwest of the Swedish Dalarna region. Långfjället nature reserve is located on the border with Norway and together with Rogen nature reserve in Jämtland and Femundmarka National Park in Norway it forms the Gränslandet nature reserve. The ‘borderland’ nature reserve is one of the wildest nature reserves in Scandinavia with more than 2,000 km2 of pure wilderness. Over the past few summers I have visited Långfjället three times and below you will find my favorite hikes in the reserve as well as other tips for hiking in this beautiful region. Enjoy! About Langfjället nature reserve Långfjället nature reserve is located in the…

  • Beren in Zweden

    Bears in Sweden: bearviewing from the Lofdalen Bear’s Den

    Did you know that there are quite a few bears in Sweden, but that the chances of seeing them in the wild are almost zero? Unlike Canada and America, bears in Sweden are shy and avoid human activity as much as possible. There is enough food for them in the wilderness, which is why they almost never come into civilization. Do you still want to see bears and do so safely? Then plan a visit to the Lofsdalen Bear’s Den. I spent a night there in June 2024 and in this article I will tell you all about it! I’m going to debunk a myth for you right away, because…

  • wandelen in Höör in Skåne
    Sweden,  We12hike

    Hikes in Höör in Skåne – the best tips and trails

    In the middle of the Swedish region Skåne lies the town of Höör. Every time I saw the name “Höör” on a road sign, I wondered how to pronounce it and what there is to see. The answer to my first question is simple, you just say “hurr”. The answer to my second question requires more explanation. I discovered that Höör is one of the most beautifully situated villages in Skåne and that you can go for wonderful hikes there. In this article I share three beautiful hiking trails in and around Höör in Skåne and I tell you about other sights and where to stay. I will start this…

  • Jirestugan in Hemavan Vindelfjällen
    Sweden,  We12hike

    6 amzing hikes in Hemavan in Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve

    Five years ago, when I finished the hike Ammarnäs – Hemavan on Kungsleden, I said: “one day I want to live here”. Unfortunately, houses in Hemavan are unaffordable as it is a winter sports village where the rich elite of Sweden has a second home. Or a third. But … I’m lucky that my partner (not a rich elite haha) lives in Hemavan and that I now spend about half of my time there. So over the past summers, I have been on several adventures in the amazing Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve, the largest nature reserve in Europe. In this article I share 6 beautiful hikes in Hemavan with you! The…