• ijsklimmen in alaska ice climbing in alaska
    Alaska,  USA,  We12climb

    Ice climbing in Alaska on the Root Glacier

    Welcome to my blog about ice climbing in Alaska. If you love Alaska and enjoy watching tv, you may have heard of the tv series Edge of Alaska. Described by Discovery Channel as the toughest town in America, it’s in fact not just a town in a tv show, but one of my favorite places in the world.   The first trip here was back in 2009 and ever since I have been looking forward to returning. In the summer of 2015, this was finally the case! Totally excited about my upcoming 2.5 week trip to Alaska, I cycled home from work when I slipped and fell with my bike.…

  • Alaska,  USA

    Cook Inlet Photo Safari with Alaska Photo Treks

    It all started a couple of years ago when I got the chance to visit Alaska in wintertime. If you haven’t been on our website before, let me tell you that Alaska has a special place in my heart. Last night I was watching Into the Wild for the 100th time and I still had to cry at the end of the movie. So anyway … during this winter trip I met Jody Overstreet from Visit Anchorage, whom had invited me to come and experience Alaka during wintertime. While on this trip, she took the below amazing picture of me and I knew straight away she’s a talented photographer. Over…

  • Alaska,  Confessions of a travel blogger

    “Happiness only real when shared?”

      “Happiness only real when shared” Those are the famous words that Chris McCandles wrote down in his copy of Doctor Zhivago, next to a passage about unshared happiness. I doubt that many people had ever heard of Chris McCandles before the movie Into the Wild came out, or at least, where I’m from that is definitely the case.   In all honesty, I had never heard of him until my first trip to Alaska, back in the early summer of 2007. I was assistant guiding an outdoor trip then and the tourguide thought it would be fun to drive our truck up on the Stampede Road, eventually becoming the…