Biking in Fjord-Norway in pictures
This is why you want to go biking in Fjord-Norway
As you may have noticed while visiting my social media channels, I was biking in Norway over the past week. I was invited on this trip by Innovation Norway and I accepted the invite without hesitation. Interest in biking in Norway is increasing and becoming more and more popular. Detailed blogs with tips and tricks as well as my route and more will of course follow, but for now I wanted to already give you a sneak peek of what I have seen along the way. I started my adventure in the small town of Voss, biked across mountain passes and along fjords. In Askvoll I caught the boat back to Bergen where my adventure came to an end. Here are my favorite photos that I took while biking in Fjord-Norway. Enjoy!
I hope this made you curious to learn more about biking in Fjord-Norway. More blogs will be online soon, but in case you have any questions already, feel free to drop them in the comments or check out the Bike the Fjords webpage.
Want to read more? You may also enjoy the following posts:
– Aurlandsdalen: hiking in Norway’s Grand Canyon
– Rimstigen: the forgotten hike in Nærøyfjord
– The most amazing viewpoints in Fjord-Norway
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Thanks for sharing!

Ryan Biddulph
How much fun! I love that top image. Biking through gorgeous areas helps me keep in shape in a timeless environment. Seriously; when a place is as gorgeous as this region of Norway I could bike for 5 hours and it feels like 5 minutes. Something about being around such eye-popping beauty.
Yeah it’s a really amazing country to discover by bike. And yes it sure does, biking is a great way to explore and keep in shape at the same time!
Fjord Norway
It’s was a pleasure to have we12travel.com on our test tour! Welcome back ♂️
Thanks for having me on this trip, it was an amazing time! 🙂